Commonwealth War Graves Recognition

A Submarine Family member and retired submariner who has been sharing his passion for world war history, and inspiring people with talks about the Commonwealth War Graves Commission (CWGC), has received two awards from the CWGC. Gary Newman was recently nominated and recognised twice for his work as a speaker and as an ‘Eyes On, […]

Submarine Delivery Agency has new CEO

Vice Admiral Sir Chris Gardner KBE will replace Ian Booth, whose five-year appointment as CEO of the SDA comes to an end on 3 September 2022. The SDA is an executive agency of the Ministry of Defence (MOD), and was established in April 2018 to manage the procurement, in-service support, and disposal of UK nuclear […]

Our traditions “the jolly Rodger”

Submariner captain flying the 'Jolly Rodger' on return to port.

Admiral of the Fleet Sir Arthur Wilson VC, the Controller of the Royal Navy, summed up the opinion of many in the Admiralty at the time when he said in 1901 “Submarines are underhand, unfair, and damned un-English. Treat all submarines as pirates in wartime … and hang all crews.” In response, Lieutenant Commander (later […]

Kings Camp “the best yet”

Children enjoyed a huge range of sporting activities when Kings Camp came to Helensburgh. The summer activity camp, held in conjunction with the Royal Navy and Royal Marines Charity (RNRMC), ran in Lomond School Sports Hall and was open to the children of naval base workers and members of the Helensburgh and Lomond community. Some […]

Children’s mental health service launched

The 'kooth' logo.

Eligibility for Kooth nn Online mental health and wellbeing support is now available for children with a parent serving in the British Armed Forces or working for the MOD or the British Government in the UK or overseas, aged 11 until their 19th birthday. It’s also worth noting that: No GP referral is required to […]

Test Article

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The 2022 Reports from the Armed Forces’ Pay Review Body (AFPRB) and Senior Salaries Review Body (SSRB) have been published today. The AFPRB report (www)sets out the independent recommendations for the 2022 Armed Forces pay award and the SSRB report (www) contains recommendations on Senior Military Pay and other senior cohorts across Government. nn Pay […]

Historic Dockyard Chatham Discount


a new benefit for members. Members who have joined Friends of the RN Submarine Museum either through The Submarine Family or directly will now get a 50% discount on the door price* of an adult ticket to Chatham Historic Dockyard on production of their Friends Membership Card or their Submarine Family Digital Membership Card showing […]

New Russian Submarine strikes fear of new ‘cold war’

‘Underwater game of cat and mouse’ nn The Belgorod may be only the first in a fleet of four submarines that could carry the Poseidon torpedoes, the CRS said, with two destined for service in Russia’s Pacific Fleet and two in its Northern Fleet. Sutton, of Covert Shores, wrote in 2020 that the next three […]

RN escort for Severodvinsk and Akula

“Critically, the cohesiveness of Royal Navy, RAF and our allies’ capabilities ensures that we are capable of conducting and sustaining these types of anti-submarine operations in the North Atlantic. “It is testament to my sailors’ dedication and professionalism, alongside that of our allies, that we are able to conduct this strategically crucial role.” Portland and […]