Telegram received from the Equerry-in-Waiting to HM King George V:
The King is grieved to hear of the serious accident on board submarine E5. His Majesty wishes you to express his sincere sympathy with the relatives of the Chief ERA who lost his life in the performance of his duty and he desires to be kept informed of the condition of those who are seriously injured.
9 June 1913 Captain Superintendent, Pembroke Dock.
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Telegram received from the Equerry-in-Waiting to HM King George V:
The King is grieved to hear of the serious accident on board submarine E5. His Majesty wishes you to express his sincere sympathy with the relatives of the Chief ERA who lost his life in the performance of his duty and he desires to be kept informed of the condition of those who are seriously injured.
9 June 1913 Captain Superintendent, Pembroke Dock.