Sub Lieutenant
Christopher Murray
Christopher Hopkins was born at Thornbury, Gloucestershire on 25 October 1943. He was raised in Perth, Western Australia where he attended Kent Street High School before joining HMAS CRESWELL, the Royal Australian Naval College, as a 16 year-old cadet midshipmen on 26 January 1960.
A volunteer for submarines, he attended the Submarine Seaman Officers Training Class at HMS DOLPHIN in September 1966. On completion, he was appointed to HMS TALENT for Part III training which he successfully completed in January 1967.
In February 1967, he was diagnosed with testicular cancer at the Royal Navy Hospital, Haslar. He was transferred to the Royal Marsden Hospital, London, where he died on 30 May 1967, and was then buried at the Royal Naval Cemetery, Haslar in Plot G 13 32.