Lieutenant (Engineer) 

James Hilton 


Royal Navy

Died On:
19 April 1951


James Alston was born in Rosyth, Dunfermline, Scotland, on 11 February 1920, the son on George Thomas and Annie Alston. He joined the Royal Navy as an Engine Room Artificer Apprentice in 1936. On 1 January 1940 he was rated Engine Room Artificer Fifth Class and was sent to sea. No details are available of ships served in during WWII, but it is understood that he served in destroyers and was sunk on three occasions. James Alston was promoted to Acting Sub Lieutenant (E) on 1 July 1944 and was further promoted to Lieutenant (E).

He qualified as a submariner in 1947 and, on 4 February 1948, he was appointed to HMS TIPTOE as the Engineer. In 1950, James Alston joined HMS AFFRAY as the Engineer. On 16 April 1951, a class of trainee submarine engineers and other passengers boarded AFFRAY for a training and familiarisation cruise in the English Channel. AFFRAY was lost with all hands in the English Channel near the Hurd Deep overnight 16/17 April 1951.

James Alston of Milnthorpe, Westmoreland, listed his mother as his Next of Kin.

NOTE:  James Alston’s father, of the same address, died three months later in July 1951.


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