Sub Lieutenant 

Edward Travers 


Royal Navy

Died On:
8 June 1905


Edward Fletcher was born in Marlingford, Norfolk in September 1884, the son of Benjamin Edgington Fletcher and Susan Nethersole Fletcher. He joined the Royal Navy as a Cadet at HMS BRITANNIA on 15 May 1898. He was promoted Midshipman on 30 September 1900, and, on 31st March 1901, he was listed as being onboard the Battleship HMS RESOLUTION at Gibraltar. This was followed by an appointment to the Cruiser HMS CRESSY on the China Station on 28 May 1901. He was promoted to Sub Lieutenant on 30 November 1903 and promotion to Lieutenant followed on 30 November 1904.

He joined the Submarine Depot Ship HMS THAMES for submarine training on 6 May 1905. On 8 June 1905 he was onboard HMS A8 when it sank as the submarine was changing over members of a Training Class off Plymouth Breakwater. Edward Fletcher was a member of the Training Class and died in the accident.

He is buried in the Churchyard in Marlingford.


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