
Charles Walderne St Clair 



Royal Navy

Died On:
18 April 1943


Charles Lambert was born on 11 April 1919, the son of Major General H P Lambert CBE and his wife Ruth, of Seaborne, Hampshire.  He was the nephew of the late Sub Lieutenant Arthur Tisdall VC who won his award posthumously during the landings from SS River Clyde during the Dardanelles campaign.  He was educated at Edgeborough Preparatory School, Radley College and St Paul’s School, London.  

He entered the Royal Navy in 1937 as a Special Entry Cadet and as a Midshipman served in the battleship HMS RODNEY and the cruiser HMS KENT on the China Station.  After promotion to Sub Lieutenant in 1940 he served in the minesweeper HMS SELKIRK, after which he entered the submarine branch and joined HMS UNBEATEN, rising to become First Lieutenant and being awarded the DSC for “…courage, skill and coolness in successful submarine patrols.”

He was promoted to Lieutenant in June 1941 and in November 1942, having completed the Commanding Officers Qualifying Course, was appointed in command of HMS P615.

In April 1941 he married Joan Hilary Duncan.  He is commemorated on the Portsmouth Naval Memorial and on the war memorial in St Mary’s Church, Selborne.


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