



Royal Navy

Died On:
8 May 1942


Norman Marriott was born in Rugby, Warwickshire in 1912, the son of Herbert Edward and Mary Marriott.  He attended the Lawrence Sheriff School, Rugby, leaving in 1927 to take up service as a merchantman apprentice.

He was appointed Midshipman, Royal Naval Reserve on 5 April 1930 and served in the battleship HMS RODNEY.  He was promoted Acting Sub Lieutenant on 3 April 1933. He transferred to the Royal Navy, was promoted to Lieutenant and then appointed to the cruiser HMS BIRMINGHAM on 11 October 1936.  He was appointed to HMS DOLPHIN for the Submarine Training Course on 6 December 1936.

He was appointed to HMS H32 on 30 January 1937, and, on 14 April 1939, he was appointed to HMS SEAHORSE as Third Hand. Norman Marriott was awarded the DSC (London Gazette of 1 January 1941) ‘for outstanding zeal, patience, and cheerfulness, as well as devotion to duty’. He was appointed to HMS H44 as First Lieutenant on 15 October 1939.

Norman Marriott was appointed to HMS RORQUAL as First Lieutenant on 15 June 1940.  He was appointed to his Commanding Officers Qualifying Course on 30 March 1941 and an appointment to HMS H50 in command followed in July 1941.  He was next appointed to HMS P39 in Command on 15 October 1941.  On 26 March 1942 HMS P39 was sitting alongside a jetty in Malta Harbour when German aircraft attacked and badly damaged her.  Whilst P39 did not sink, she was too damaged to be worth repairing.

On 8 May 1942 Norman Marriott was onboard HMS OLYMPUS as a passenger to return to UK.  After leaving Malta, OLYMPUS was sunk after striking a mine.  Norman Marriott was lost in the sinking.  He was the husband of Moira Margaret Marriott (née Hudson) and had two young children.  He is commemorated on the Portsmouth Naval Memorial on Panel No 62, Column 1.



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