Sub Lieutenant 

Thomas Stone 


Royal Navy

Died On:
17 July 1917


Thomas Moore was born in Darjeeling, India on 6 May 1898, the son of Major Robert Thornton Moore, Royal Artillery and Mrs Janie L Moore. He joined the Royal Navy as a Cadet in January 1911. He was promoted to Midshipman on 2 August 1914 and was appointed to the cruiser HMS JUPITER on the same date. He then joined the battleship HMS AGINCOURT in August 1914 followed by the battleship HMS ERIN– also in August 1914. Thomas Moore was on board for the Battle of Jutland on 31 May/1 June 1916. He was promoted to Sub Lieutenant on 15 November 1916 and continued to serve in HMS ERIN until 9 March 1917.

He was then appointed to HMS DOLPHIN as Sub Lieutenant under training on 19 March 1917 and then to the Submarine Depot Ship HMS LUCIA at South Bank, Middlesborough ‘for Submarines‘ on 1 June 1917. The date of his appointment to HMS C34 as First Lieutenant is not reported but C34 was lost with all hands after being torpedoed by the U-Boat U-52 off Fair Isle on 17 July 1917.

Thomas Moore is commemorated on the Portsmouth Naval Memorial on Panel No 24.



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