Lieutenant Commander 

Robert Galliano 



Royal Navy

Died On:
11 August 1942


Robert Norfolk was born in Saltash in Cornwall on 15 August 1909, the son of Captain Stanley Bernard Norfolk, Royal Navy, and Mary Norfolk (née Galliano). Cadet Robert Norfolk was educated at the Royal Naval College, Dartmouth from March 1923. On 10 January 1927 he was appointed to the battleship HMS ROYAL OAK (First Battle Squadron, Mediterranean Fleet). He was promoted to Midshipman on 1 September 1927 and appointed to the Cruiser HMS CUMBERLAND on 6 February 1928. Promotion to Sub Lieutenant followed on 1 July 1930.

Robert Norfolk was appointed to HMS DOLPHIN on 4 May 1931 for the submarine course, and was promoted to Lieutenant on 1 August 1931. From December 1931, he served with the Fourth Submarine Flotilla on the China Station in HMS OSIRIS, followed by HMS ODIN from April 1932. After his return to UK, on 3 July 1934 he was appointed to HMS H43 as First Lieutenant and, from 1 May 1935, he served in HMS OBERON as First Lieutenant.

On 26 April 1937 Robert Norfolk was appointed to HMS DOLPHIN for the Commanding Officers Qualifying Course and his first submarine command was HMS STARFISH from 15 April 1938 to April 1939. He then had an appointment to the cruiser HMS ORION on the America and West Indies Station. Robert Norfolk returned to submarines when he was appointed to the Submarine Depot Ship HMS AMBROSE on 18 April 1940 and then to HMS TRIBUNE in command on 2 January 1941. On 27 June 1941 he commissioned the newly built HMS THORN.

HMS THORN sailed from Haifa on her ninth patrol on 21 July 1942 and is believed to have been sunk with all hands on 6 August 1942 after an attack on an Italian convoy in the Mediterranean

Robert Galliano Norfolk was the husband of Margaret Mary Norfolk (née Collingridge), and he is commemorated on the Portsmouth Naval Memorial on Panel 61, Column 3.


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