Stoker 1st Class 

Ronald William Buller 


Royal Navy

Died On:
8 January 1943


Ronald Pridham was born in Exeter on 14 January 1921, the son of Reginald Pridham (a railwayman) and Emily Pridham (née Winser). He joined the Royal Navy as a Stoker signing on for a twelve year Continuous Service Engagement

He volunteered for ‘Special Service’ and was trained as a No. 2 Crewman Charioteer at HMS VARBEL. He was then allocated to a team of charioteers formed for an operation to attack Italian shipping at the port of La Maddelena. The team was embarked in HMS P311 for the operation with three chariots – Nos. X, XVIII & one other. P311 had completed the passage through the Sicilian Channel – reported at 0130 on 31 December 1942 – but no further reports were received from the submarine and P311 was presumed lost with all hands in a minefield near La Maddelena on or about 2 January 1943. Also lost were the three chariots, the three chariot crews and the team of four dressers – ten personnel in all. The date of the loss of P311, her crew and her chariot passengers was assumed to have been 8 January 1943 which is the date that the submarine was due to arrive back at Malta.

Ronald Pridham is commemorated on the Plymouth Naval Memorial on Panel 82 Column 2 and on the 12th Submarine Flotilla memorials at Rothesay on the Isle of Bute and at Kylesku.


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