Warrant Engineer 




Royal Navy

Died On:
9 February 1923


John Williams was born in Bath, Somerset on 13 December 1876 and joined the Royal Navy as an Engine Room Artificer Fourth Class on 28 December 1897. He served in submarines as Engine Room Artificer Third Class from 10 March 1905 to 5 April 1910 in the Submarine Depot Ships HMS THAMES, HMS FORTH, HMS THAMES, HMS MERCURY, and HMS BONAVENTURE from 28 May 1912 to 2 May 1916. He then served in HMS C32 from 17 September 1914 to 27 May 1916 in the Baltic. He was promoted to Artificer Engineer on 3 May 1916 and was appointed to HMS E19, also in the Baltic, as the Engineering Officer on 1 August 1916.

John Williams was awarded the DSM for his wartime service – see London Gazette dated 22 June 1916. He was transferred to the Warrant Engineers List with his Seniority as Artificer Engineer and returned to submarines with an appointment to the Submarine Depot Ship HMS VULCAN on 11 May 1920. He was then appointed to HMS L18 as Engineering Officer on 24 May 1921. John Williams is reported to have died in the Royal Naval Hospital at Haslar on 9 February 1923, after suffering from cancer of the stomach, and he was buried in the Royal Naval Cemetery at Haslar.


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