The way people live and work is changing and our accommodation offer should reflect this. The People Accommodation team know it’s crucial to provide accommodation that works for a modern Whole Force, their partners and families.

The team are now three years into the Future Accommodation Model (FAM) pilot, which has offered more choice to thousands of Service personnel over where, how and with whom they live. Throughout this time, they have been looking at lessons learnt and are working to create the best possible accommodation offer.

Using feedback and findings from the FAM pilot, work is now underway to decide how to deliver a wider accommodation offer that works for personnel across the whole of Defence.

What’s next…

From 31 October 2023, aspects of your accommodation offer will change, and the People Accommodation team will put their plans to improve and modernise accommodation options into action.

Over the course of the next year, there will be more details about what these changes will look like, keeping you informed and updated every step of the way through regular articles, Chain of Command updates, social media and on GOV.UK.

At this moment you do not need to take any action.

You can still benefit from FAM in the meantime…

All those who are eligible can still take advantage of the FAM offer until the pilot ends on 31 March 2023.

Those expecting to be posted to the pilot sites: HMNB Clyde, Aldershot Garrison and RAF Wittering must have a Report for Duty Date no later than 31 March 2023.

More information

Email: [email protected]

You can find out more about FAM and how to apply on the FAM defnet page or on GOV.UK (www).

Or visit Discover My Benefits (www).

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