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MILITARY and civilian staff from across HM Naval Base Clyde gathered in St Mungo’s church on Thursday, December 7, to spread a bit of Christmas cheer by singing carols and collecting for local charities.

After everyone had enjoyed a hot drink and some mince pies, the carol service was led by the Chaplaincy team all looking very seasonal in their Christmas jumpers and Santa hats. The festivities got underway with everyone singing ‘O come all ye Faithful’ with music provided by the Neptune Volunteer Band.

There were readings and prayers from the Chaplaincy team and Base personnel, and to finish off everyone joined in a chorus of Jingle Bells before the prize was awarded for the best Christmas jumper.

More importantly, Clyde staff were invited to bring along donations for the One Clyde Christmas Appeal which is supporting a few local charities.

Kind-hearted staff gave generously and the conservatory in the church was soon filled with boxes of biscuits, sweets, toys, and lots more, ready to be delivered to HomeStart Lomond, Helensburgh and Lomond Foodbank and Helensburgh Community Hub.

Yvonne Gilfillan who organised the appeal said: “So many people across the globe are struggling financially and emotionally just now. Christmas can bring particular pressures and exacerbate unpleasant living, housing, economic or health situations.”

“With a desire to help bring some comfort wherever possible, the HMNB One Clyde Community came together, to donate much-needed food, personal hygiene products, baby products, children’s pyjamas, toys, books and selection boxes to three local organisations.”

As well as the collections of food and other items for the local charities, £300 was raised for Save the Children through Base staff making donations for wearing their Christmas Jumpers to work.

Yvonne continued: “I am very grateful and proud to be part of the HMNB One Clyde Community who collaboratively and cohesively make a difference in the lives of those we work with, their families and within our local community.  Merry Christmas one and all.”