Her Majesty’s Procession

Submarine Service members forming part of the gun carriage crew that carried Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II from Westminster Abbey to Westminer Cathedral.

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On the 19th of September 22, Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II was laid to rest at Windsor Castle.

During the procession, members of His Majesty the King’s Royal navy Submarine Service formed part of the gun carriage crew whom carried HM from Westminster Abbey to Westminster Cathedral and finally onto Marble Arch.

The thousands of men and woman from our armed forces, emergency services, public sector and broadcasting companies were exemplary throughout the day.

A truly magnificent send off for a our longest serving and the most loyal monarch that we will surely ever know.

Submarine Service members forming part of the gun carriage crew that carried Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II from Westminster Abbey to Westminer Cathedral.
Servicemen and women paying respects to the late Queen Elizabeth II as she is transported through London by foot.
An aeriel photograph of Queen Elizabeth II's coffin outside of Buckingham Palace.
Submarine Service members forming part of the gun carriage crew that carried Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II from Westminster Abbey to Westminer Cathedral.