The first face to face meeting of the newest branch of the Submarine Association has taken place. The branch has been formerly named the East of Scotland Branch and the meeting took place at the WOs & SRs Mess of HMS CALEDONIA on Fri 1 Dec 23. 13 personnel attended (12 in attendance and 1 remotely via Skype).
6 bottles of Rum have been kindly donated by Steve Dingley who is the International Brand Manager at PUSSERS RUM with one bottle being opened for Up Spirits and to toast Absent Friends.
Once the formal meeting completed, a great evening was had by all with many dits being spun between old shipmates and new friends. Members from other branches of the Submarine Association are more than welcome to attend if visiting the area.
The branch was formed on Tue 24 Oct 23 (utilising MS TEAMS) by 7 serving members* of the Submarine Service who all live on the East Coast of Scotland. The branch is also on the lookout for new members, we have a Facebook page and a Whatsapp Group for getting the key details and news out. Email The Branch Secretary (Alf Ramsey) SMAEOSB.SEC@EMAIL.COM who can arrange to have you added to the Whatsapp group to keep you updated with our meetings and news.
With the kind permission of the CO and Mess President, all future meetings will take place on the 1st Friday of the month at HMS CALEDONIA WOs & SRs Mess; the next meeting will take place on Fri 5 Jan 24.
Branch Officials are:
*Del Briton – Chairperson
*Dodger Long – Treasurer
*Alf Ramsey – Secretary (via Skype)
Alfie Cummings – Standard Bearer (yet to be purchased)
Richard Williamson – Digital and Social Media Rep
Phil Austin – Membership Secretary
Chris Gerrard – Social Secretary
Other attendees are:
Ian Campbell
Andy Prunty
*Jason Clark
Mark Gardner
Al Cuneen
Alan Stevenson