Kings Camp “the best yet”

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Children enjoyed a huge range of sporting activities when Kings Camp came to Helensburgh.

The summer activity camp, held in conjunction with the Royal Navy and Royal Marines Charity (RNRMC), ran in Lomond School Sports Hall and was open to the children of naval base workers and members of the Helensburgh and Lomond community.

Some 100 cjildren passed through the camp each week, enjoying a range of activities designed to promote an active, healthy, lifestyle.

Sponsored by the RNRMC and Captain of the Base, Captain Nick Gibbons, with grants provided by the charity, the event was open to children aged five to seventeen years of age over the two weeks.

Captain Gibbons said: “This is a fantastic initiative for Clyde community families, and as ever, I am extremely grateful to the RNRMC and Kings Camp volunteers who devote so much energy and enthusiasm into the project.”

Kings Camp holds summer and school holiday camps at a variety of location across the UK and has run a camp for the children of naval base workers for many years.

A typical day includes sports and activity sessions, along with time to socialise and team challenges.

Debi McPhee, Kings Foundation camp supervisor, said: “The Kings Camp Programme in Helensburgh has offered children the opportunity to have fun, meet new friends, enjoy sport, and explore new activities.

“The enthusiasm and energy from the children and their families has been incredible.

“We’re looking forward to working with naval service families in Helensburgh for year to come.

“A huge thank you to all who support the programme and of course to the phenomenal Kings Camp team who have made this camp the best one yet!”

Original story here Helensburgh Kings Camp ‘the best yet’ – The Lochside Press

Find out more about kings Cam here Summer Camps for Kids in Helensburgh – Kings Camps