A service to mark the 80th anniversary of the attack on the German battleship, the Tirpitz, was held at the XII Submarine Flotilla memorial at Kylesku last weekend.

The wreath-laying ceremony, which took place on Saturday, September 23, was attended by Lord-Lieutenant Major General Patrick Marriott, along with Royal Navy representatives from Faslane and members of the Sutherland Branch of the Royal Naval Association.

Members were also in attendance from the Scottish and West of Scotland Submariners’ Association, “We Remember Submariners” and the Royal Navy Submarine Association – together with relatives and friends of those who took part.
The event was arranged by the Sutherland Lieutenancy with many thanks to Reay Forest Estate, Piper Andrew Barnes, Jonathan Brett-Young, Cdr Tim Honnor RN (Retd), the Reverend Canon Laurence Gunner RNVR and many others who helped with the event.
A total of nine wreaths were laid with two additions from the RN Submarine Museum

Attendees had travelled from as far away as Faslane, Portsmouth and Glasgow.
The daughter of one of the two VC winners attended (Mrs Amanda Prideaux, daughter of Lieutenant Donald Cameron VC).
There was a party from the submarine base at Faslane including two young trainee submariners (Able Seaman Tom Unsworth RN and Leading Hand Oliver Boot RN).
Original article can be found here Wreath laying ceremony in Kylesku marks 80th anniversary of attack on German battleship (northern-times.co.uk)